Sunday, September 12, 2010

Just a few more for Halo: Reach!

My bro, my friend, and me are going to the midnight launch for Halo: Reach tomorrow. I bought the new 360 slim instead of the iPod Touch. I'm getting the normal edition of the game while my bro gets the Legendary one. I'll post screens of the Legendary edition once we get it open. I wonder where the hell my bro is gonna put the statue at. The slim 360 so far runs extremely quiet and loading some of the games our older 360 couldn't.  I'm guessing my older 360 is about to die soon. Can't wait to play Firefight on Reach.


  1. yeh my bro is gona get it, unfortunetly im a bit to poor to buy a 360 atm, hoping to play on bros
    GL @ midnight launch

  2. Very nice.

